Wednesday, 11 April 2012

What a Carry On!

Epilepsy - take three.
 Well, its been an interesting few days. Poor Lucie had her third epileptic fit in as many months on Monday and it is the first one we have actually witnessed (the other two being at school and the Glen). What was it like? I suppose it was less dramatic than I imagined, but still pretty scary. Helen and I heard a few loud moans and rushed into the lounge to find her on the floor, face down. The convulsions were less marked than I had envisaged and lasted only for about thirty seconds, but she had been eating Easter egg when she went down and this blocked her airway for a while. Scary.

The trickiest bit is knowing whether to call an ambulance. Epilepsy isn't good, but its also not a medical emergency in most cases. So you stand there, almost hearing the seconds tick past. Should I or shouldn't I ring? However, Lucie went purple, then her lips started to turn blue and at that point, we decided enough was enough. The paramedics were there in four minutes and were beyond lovely - they said to always ring straight away, which made us feel better. Lucie is fine now and we should hopefully find out more about her condition tomorrow, when she has an EEG scheduled at the hospital.

Carry on Summer Houses

On a more positive and fun note, yesterday was spent in the garden working on a pretty sizeable erection! My father-in-law helped, as frankly, I'm not much cop in this department and left to my own fumblings would never have got it to stay up. The entrance in particular was tricky. Oooh matron!! :-)

Before you all ring Childline....or the Sun, can I just say the erection was of one timber summer-house! Took most of the day and we were rained on, hailed on and doubtless watched by our neighbours (saying 'why is that elderly gent doing all the work?'). But big thanks to Mike - if you need a hand with an erection, he is still the guy!  

Lucie was funny, she had packed all her favourite belongings to move in - dvds, cds, clothes and even her grey bucket in case she felt sick. Once finished however, a quick peek inside established it was not quite the country lodge she was doubtless expecting, although we are still going to Argos today for an easy chair, heater and rug! In there now are a couple of Bob the Builder figures, a chair, a blanket and some paint - yes, Emilie is establishing squatter rights again. That is two bedrooms, a tent and a summer-house she has claim to!  Could make an interesting sibling squabble. Meanwhile, will I ever get my much desired 'room of my own' - unlikely!  Sigh! 

Thanks for reading once again, will update again in a few days






  1. Interesting...Jasper's trusty sick bucket is also grey :-)

  2. Probably for face-colour-matching reasons. The doubtless come in green too! :-)


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