Sunday, 22 July 2012

Day One - kiddie wars begin

Well - day one of the holidays done. The kids have obviously decided to soften us up first with a few minor incidents. Like the mischievous ghost who  gently rattles his chain before putting his screaming head in your fridge, the girls know any trauma they inflict will be all the more fun if they can just put us on edge first. So what did they do?

Firstly Emi went for a solo walk down the cul-de-sac whilst mum and Lucie were out. Luckily I heard the front door click and caught her in time. Her grin told me this was only a diversion anyway - more was to come. Sure enough, despite hiding all our keys at bedtime behind a lockable door, evidence this morning showed she'd managed to find an old set we'd forgotten about. Fortunately, they were cut by someone who wanted to be a vet or an astronaut or something, anything but a key cutter. As such, they take the strength of Hercules to work and were found this morning sticking out of the front door.  Even then I still felt the urge to check the street for mayhem - next door have a nice new car, I could see that being a 'viable Emi target'. But no - not yet anyway.

Lucie, meanwhile, doesn't waste her time with thoughts of escape, why when there is fun to be had at home! It is slightly disconcerting to be sitting in the lounge, watching cricket, enjoying the sound of willow on leather, only to see a load of urine fly past the patio doors!  Yup - why go to the loo and risk bumping into your sister when the summer house bin makes such a lovely alternative. In fairness, she emptied it - opting for a medieval slopping out method - hence flying wee onto the patio. Luckily the cat has just moved from her sun basking......

So, there we go. Day two awaits. It is now 9:05am and I've already noticed our keys are missing. A search revealed them in Em's room. All keys are now behind a locked (combination) door. Mum and dad need to up their game!  More from the front .......soon!


  1. On a positive note; it is now ten weeks since Lucie had her last epilepsy seizure, so it looks like the drugs are working.
    'My legs are okay now,' she says, endearingly. (Autism logic; if you fall over, you must have poorly legs) - bless! :-)

  2. Our day one ended with Dirk and an all-night puke-fest :-(
    Excellent news about Lucie and her meds :-)

  3. Not good, Elaine, hopefully it will be just a 24 hour thing?


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